Key benefits of the Avon Roadrider MKII include better grip in wet and dry conditions, reduced wear and shorter braking distances. Wet testing indicates a sizeable improvement in stopping distance compared to the Avon Roadrider.
By introducing an updated sport touring tyre, Avon Tyres is aiming to cement its position as a leading player in the market. In fact, its Roadrider tyre is factory fitted to Royal Enfield’s 350cc bikes.
Overall, the Roadrider MKII is available in 31 sizes and 37 specifications, covering H and V speed ratings and universal options. In addition to the expanded size offering, a classic tread and sidewall appearance makes the tyre suitable for bikes of all ages.

The author of this text is Samuli Riekkoniemi, CEO and expert at reifen66.com, a tire shop established in 2011. With extensive experience and a practical approach, he ensures that every customer gets tires perfectly suited to their needs and driving style. Feel free to get in touch!